About Us

The SouthEastern Ohio Joint Solid Waste Management is a political subdivision of the State of Ohio comprising the following counties as its jurisdictional boundaries; Guernsey, Monroe, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble and Washington. The District is required to secure adequate disposal capacity for solid waste for its constituents and businesses. This access to solid waste disposal capacity is provided through Capacity Assurance Agreements with Subtitle D Landfills, Scrap Tire Monofills, and Solid Waste Transfer Station Facilities in Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania as are listed in the Disposal Facility Section.

SouthEastern Waste District Operation and Activities

The District’s operation and activities are funded through a $2.00 per ton fee that is assessed to all solid waste received at the contracted facilities for disposal. With the two dollars per ton, the District employs a District Coordinator and secretary. It contracts for 6 annual household hazardous waste collections, six annual appliance collections, six annual television/computer/electronics collections, and six annual scrap tire collections. In addition to this, the District contracts with the Morgan County Commissioners, the Noble County Commissioners, and the Muskingum County Commissioners to operate community recycling drop-off locations in all of the member counties.

SouthEastern Facts

  • Education to students in grades K through 12 is provided through a contract with GT Environmental, Inc. of Columbus, Ohio in a curriculum format that is produced to fit the state proficiency guidelines. In addition to classroom activities and curriculum, the District provides funding for students to take tours of landfills, transfer stations, recycling facilities, and manufacturing facilities that produce consumer products from recycled material feedstock.
  • Waste audits or assessments are provided to governmental, commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities at no charge to assist them with alternative waste management methods.
  • Funding is provided to Noble County General Health District on the Ohio EPA Approved Program List for enforcement of state open dumping and open burning regulations.
  • Assistance is provided to the counties and private companies to procure state funding to purchase recycling and manufacturing equipment. Over the past 15 years the District, counties, and various manufacturing have received over eight million dollars from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (Division of Recycling & Litter Prevention) for recycling and litter prevention projects.

Contact Us

SouthEastern Ohio Joint Solid Waste Management District
46049 Marietta Road, Suite 6
Caldwell, Ohio 43724-9124
Phone: 740/732-5493 or 800/860-8103
Fax: 740/732-2372

Additional Contacts

Waste Exchange waste-exchange [at] wasteabate.org


Michael Reiter, District Coordinator
mike.reiter [at] wasteabate.org

Alex Hayes, Administrative 2
alex.hayes [at] wasteabate.org